Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Mental Health in London Today

Mental Health in London Today

I love this self-discovery thing and AM determined to take you all down with me (NPD) 

Having experienced, and witnessed, plenty of 'malignant' Narcissism in my trembly, enlightened life, I can pretty much guarantee it's being wildly misdiagnosed. I'm almost certain that's also a part of Sam Vaknin's (NPD expert and very kind - psychopath) message too?

 Not sure yet, he has a lot of advice online, including loads of video's on Youtube that I haven't finished viewing. 

 'Compensatory Narcissism' (like mine?) must also be a not-all-self-blameworthy state whilst also in a state of academic ignorance/inability (perhaps combined with later trauma too)? Doesn't intent define this (Vaknin) diagnosis/'C-NPD'? I think his idea of NPD could also cover a range of phobic/traumatic conditions, if not ALL of them? Are all human ego's and the traumatised - NPD? It looks a bit like consciousness itself could be described that way? Are we all wrong about everything? Or is that just bits of it?

Am I too NPD to understand or process this? Does it let guilty pheckers off the hook? Are ALL blamers, NPD? Is 'compensatory' NPD the root cause of every terror/violence-induced trauma and social phobia in the book? (re-read the book Liz!)

I've also witnessed social workers (and mental health nurses) chronically misusing psychiatric terms - in  various situations-  that are then translated into actual, very serious disorders by doctors ('taking their word for it') when the
evident behaviours witnessed were clearly (mostly not exaggerated) normal, human expressions. Not a major tantrum in sight. Such team-work could be construed as 'gaslighting'/gang-stalking/conspiracy. So don't blame the paranoids when 'conspiring against' them or when working in vast teams. (*Isn't it handy for people who harass you into a state of reactionary gaga helplessness, to then blame it on your being a 'nutter'? I guess, easily done when target also suffering abuse effects) I also had years of strange 'phone calls (and LOADS of hacking online) and was told I had 'multiple anomolies' on my 'phone line (BT via Talk-Talk (ISP) 2013) and yet -

In that particular hospital, giggling was described as 'mania' and fear ='Psychosis' (they were simple anxiety attacks/phobic reaction,/acth/cortisol/blood-sugar/ localised inflammation flares - why not describe symptoms for what they are globally known as, so things are understood better? Because, what WAS the point? Fun? (Those labels have a habit of sticking ya know) Maybe, it's all a bit prejudiced?

 Worse - a cocky psychiatrist, obviously with a 'take them down a peg, those egos' attitude (heart of gold I'm sure) was regularly informing obviously scared-but-bright people, that they have no 'insight' but the same was not guilty of giving any personalised, constructive direction, only fairly insensitive, rather smug blame-perceived (alienating due to lack of respect) interviews, weekly, culminating in prescribing extremely serious drugs (maybe, in the process, causing future brain-damage/Dementia?) with indefinite detention in a room alone, no radio/TV, 24/7 for months on end, without hope or a release date (on plastic mattress of 2 feet wide) this  prescription, mostly, only ever proves to relieve temporary situations (and maybe, in the process, causing future brain-damage/Dementia?) - or cause semi-catatonia (NPD) -  makes you wonder why prisons are also ineffective? Thus treatment regularly is
further disabling these already confused and frightened human animals who need their problem-solving skills honed rather than annihilated or negative beliefs reinforced. How will they be when elderly dependents?

Makes you wonder on what genius philosophy psychiatry is based (a bit of Buddhism, Mu is useful) and if it's still globally relevant and why psychiatry has the highest rate of suicide than any other profession. Do they appreciate that each snowflake, leaf and identical twin, is unique? READ MORE

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